how to make powdered sugar by sugar grinding machine? | Brightsail

July 07, 2022

how to make powdered sugar by sugar grinding machine? there are 3 kinds of sugar grinder machines mainly, we will introduce you how to choose the one you will need.

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how to make powdered sugar by sugar grinding machine?

There are 3 kinds of sugar grinder machines mainly, 

we will introduce you how to choose the one you will need.

1)BSU universal crusher (small capacity sugar grinding machine

It is good for small capacity production,like 100kg/hr,200kg/hr,300 kg/hr.

And it can make 20~150 mesh powdered sugar.

2)  BSG grinding unit (big capacity sugar powder mill machine)

This set is good for big capacity production,like 500kg/hr,1000kg/hr,2000kg/hr.

And it can also make 20~150 mesh powdered sugar.

3) BSP icing sugar grinding mill (it can make superfine powdered sugar)

BSP pulveirzerer can make 60~1000 mesh superfine sugar powder.

And the capacity can be 100~2000 kg/hr.

If you need to make icing sugar, this machine is what you need.

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